DX Strategies

Top 7 Digital Experience (DX) Strategies to Win Big This Saudi Day

3 min read By: Shruti Sharma

13 September, 2024



Saudi National Day is near, and everyone wants to earn more and get more profit from this festival week. Now, customers start their buying journey long before they actually walk into the showroom or buy online. The digital customer experience plays a vital role in buying decisions, customer loyalty, and recurring shopping. It is not just limited to mere online presence or a website or app; brands need to provide consistent, immersive, and cohesive customer experience (CX) across multiple digital channels that convert into more profitable for their businesses. This year, on this national day celebration, brands and marketers should redefine their digital experience (DX) strategy to improve profit, increase sales figures, and enhance customer experience with loyalty.  Here, we have the top 7 digital experience (DX) strategies to win big this Saudi day and earn a pool of loyal customers.

Top 7 Digital Experience (DX) Strategies

1. Understand Customer and Digital Customer Journey

The foremost strategy is to understand customers and target audiences to meet their expectations and satisfaction levels. With the help of customer profiles, personas, social media, and feedback, brands can elevate the overall digital experiences. Another aspect that should be taken into consideration is mapping digital customer journeys. It outlines all the possible touchpoints a customer walks through while engaging with a brand across various digital channels or platforms like website, online store, app, social media, YouTube video, interactive games, online chatter, and other digital assets. Focus on the pages or products where visitors spend the most time, how they first interacted with the brand, find the type of content that makes them go down further in the funnel, where they convert and make purchases, and other similar insights to transform their digital interaction for an enhanced experience.

2. Review Customer Experience and Analyze Customer Satisfaction 

Before the actual Saudi National Day shopping festival starts, brands and marketers must review their customer experience on different performance indicators. It enables a detailed audit of the entire digital CX strategy to understand what product, process, or interaction needs improvements to give elevated experiences. With the systematic evaluation of customer experience (CX), satisfaction, and expectation, brands can ideally align their strategies with customer demands and business goals. Even if the existing digital CX strategy is working as anticipated, insights from this CX and customer satisfaction reviews can still easily pinpoint the minor gaps so brands can fill them and make them large. Customer experience (CX) and satisfaction standards help to establish an impressive digital identity that can easily multiply the festival shopping experience.

3. Adopt Omnichannel Strategy

A careful observation of the digital customer journey helps to dig down into each meaningful touchpoint, interaction, and channel that the customer passes to explore before finally converting into a purchase. Whether via social media, email, or an online chat, customers usually frequently switch among these channels, touchpoints, and communication mediums to get to the desired product or brand, but customers seek consistency and continuation during this exploring phase. In short, customers want brands and businesses to be ready with an omnichannel strategy in the digital space, so when they switch from website to social media or Chat support or email, the experience remains intact. Customer attention span is too low, thus requiring brands to be ready with omnichannel presence and keep customers engaged irrespective of channel or interaction point. Make your content scalable and flexible to keep it consistent, so when customers switch from laptop to smartphone and again back to laptop, they get an immersive and connected experience.

4. Use Advanced Technologies and Data Analytics

Digital Experience (DX) is the total engagement, interaction, and experience of customers across digital touchpoints with a brand, retailer, or product. If a customer experiences junk mail, slow-loading websites, app glitches, or difficult user interfaces on digital platforms, then it ruins the brand image and their CX strategy. We have advanced technologies like Adobe Commerce, commercetools, Adobe Experience Manager, cloud integration, and more to enhance the experience on digital platforms.

Plus, advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), data analytics, natural language processing (NLP), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), etc., add value to your DX strategy. We can take the example of an Augmented Reality (AR)–powered home furniture app that helps users take a virtual tour of the products and find what suits their own interior. Data analytics empowers brands to scale up their CX game by providing granular customer profiling to offer exclusive and personalized experiences.

5. Focus on Content Strategy and Social Media Engagement

Content strategy is at the core of digital experience (DX) during a customer journey. However, most of these content strategies and digital marketers are focused on SEO with little or no consideration of the human aspects of customers. So, despite all the efforts, these aimless SEO-focused content strategies are of no use and add no value to the digital experience, as most of these content target keywords for top-of-funnel acquisition. 

Brands and marketers need to realign their digital CX strategy with a deeper understanding of their customers’ journey mapping, satisfaction level, expectations, and experiences. The focus will shift from higher keyword searches to ideal customers’ content requirement that aids purchase decisions and increases loyalty. Give more value to middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel content that converts into sales and post-sale content to add value to existing customer groups. On social media, always focus on the brand’s tone and persona, which aligns with the content strategy of other digital platforms. Use social media for new offers, user-generated content, sale offers, new product information, etc.

6. Offer Personalized Experiences

Sometimes, brands and marketers understand personalization as merely addressing customers with name or product recommendations and offers based on age-old purchase history. Real personalization requires regular updates of customer profiles, buying patterns, preferences, digital footprints, social media presence, and the content they prefer to interact with. The collective data insights using advanced technologies to understand customer demands and personalized content at different touchpoints to convert them into sales is an impactful DX strategy; it comes from real personalization.

7. Enhance Customer Service

One of the integral aspects of a great DX strategy to win big during this Saudi National Day shopping festival is customer service and its efficiency. People wait for this time every year to shop, eat, and enjoy themselves, so this is a difficult time to manage customer service as a large number of such customers are there to get excellent customer service. Use technologies like chatbots and AI-powered customer support services to manage high-volume queries and concerns to organize human resources for burning issues where human interaction is unavoidable. In fact, after the national day gets over, it doesn’t mean the customer service team can slack off; they need to be available for post-purchase concerns, too.


A defined, focused, and robust digital customer experience (DX) can set your brand ahead of any conventional competition. With the growing use of digital means of communication, it is essential for brands and marketers to redefine their digital presence with an efficient DX strategy. These top 7 digital strategic moves will help you achieve a significant digital presence and deliver the best digital customer experience. For more, you can connect with our experts at Krish and leverage their expertise to change your digital experience offerings.

Digital Experience StrategiesDigital StrategiesDXDX Strategies
Shruti Sharma

Digital transformation expert and trusted advisor to global brands. With a career dedicated to navigating tech's evolution, she's led successful initiatives, driving businesses into the ecommerce future. Beyond the boardroom, she finds solace in mountain retreats, cherishing moments of inspiration with a bowl of Maggi. Whether crafting strategies or exploring new heights, Shruti's journey exemplifies innovation, resilience, and a zest for life's adventures.

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