Marketing Automation

Elevating Customer Journeys with Omnichannel Marketing Automation in APAC

4 min read By: Devanshi Shah

21 June, 2024



Did you know that 72% of APAC consumers indicate increased store switching to manage expenses, and 35% visit Discount or value retailers more often in order to save? Consumers in China, South Korea, and Thailand report that shopping online for deals is their top savings strategy.

With this in mind, understanding the channels that resonate most with shoppers and identifying successful categories in specific locations can significantly boost growth. Not only that, but curating an omnichannel strategy can also work wonders!

As we ride the digital wave sweeping across the APAC region, I wanted to share some thoughts on a topic that’s picking up momentum these days – Omnichannel Marketing Automation and optimizing customer journeys. The pace of change here is exhilarating, and staying ahead means we need to rethink how we engage with our customers.

The APAC Digital Surge

First off, there’s no denying it – APAC is a powerhouse of digital growth. This region is not just keeping up with global trends in many ways, but also setting the pace. From the tech-savvy streets of Singapore to the bustling eCommerce markets of Australia and Japan, the digital landscape is evolving at breakneck speed. Businesses are hungry for innovative ways to connect with their customers while leveraging technology to enhance their customer experiences. But with this growth comes the challenge of meeting ever-rising customer expectations.

And that’s where omnichannel marketing automation steps in.

Why Omnichannel Matters?

Imagine this: a customer browses your product on their smartphone, sees a retargeting ad on social media, receives a personalized email, and finally walks into your store to make the purchase. Each touchpoint should feel like part of a seamless story, not a series of disjointed interactions. This is the magic of omnichannel marketing automation.

Simply put, it’s about creating a cohesive customer experience across all touchpoints. Whether your customers are interacting with you via email, social media, your website, or even in-store, they expect a consistent and personalized journey. Omnichannel marketing automation helps you achieve just that. It’s no surprise that Walmart’s focus on omnichannel strategy led to a 12% growth in eCommerce sales in Q2 2023.

Enhancing Customer Journeys

Here’s how we can make customer journeys smoother and more impactful:

Building a Complete Customer Picture

Hashgrowth by Moengage states that Asian markets offer an excellent opportunity to learn about new users, their online behavior, and new business models. By pulling data from every interaction – be it online, in-store, via mobile apps, or social media – you get a full picture of our customers. This comprehensive view allows you to tailor your messages to match their preferences and behaviors, making every touchpoint relevant and engaging. This also gives you a 360-degree view of your customers.

Consistency Across Channels

Consistency is key. Omnichannel automation ensures that customers receive consistent messaging across all platforms. Whether a customer engages with you on Instagram, checks an email, or visits your website, the experience should feel unified. This not only builds trust but also reinforces your brand’s identity across all channels.

Automating Smartly

Automation isn’t about flooding customers with generic messages. It’s about sending the right message at the right time. For instance, if someone abandons their cart, a well-timed reminder or a gentle nudge via email or SMS with a special offer can encourage them to complete the purchase. It’s thoughtful and timely. Basically, automation can help you map out the entire customer journey, identifying key touchpoints and optimizing each stage to move customers closer to conversion.

Real-Time Engagement

We live in an age where customers expect immediacy. New-age customers expect and appreciate quick responses! Omnichannel automation allows you to respond and engage in real-time. Whether it’s addressing a query through a chatbot or offering a time-sensitive discount, you can engage our customers exactly when they need it. Campaigns can be adjusted in real-time based on customer interactions and feedback, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

Looking Ahead

In the dynamic markets of APAC, the ability to offer personalized, seamless experiences isn’t just a luxury. It’s essential. Companies here are not just adopting omnichannel strategies but pushing the boundaries and setting new standards for customer engagement via marketing automation.

At Krish, we’re harnessing the power of omnichannel marketing automation to transform customer journeys across the APAC region. With two decades of experience in serving the digital fraternity across diverse industries, we have been able to offer exceptional experience-driven solutions. And it has always been a delight to innovate with the experience-first approach to offer striking CX via solutions ranging from digital marketing to experience design.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How are you using omnichannel strategies to enhance customer journeys? Let’s keep the conversation going!

marketing automationOmnichannelOmniChannel GrowthOmnichannel marketing automationomnichannel solution provider
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Devanshi is the dynamic thought leader at Krish Technolabs, leading Digital Experience agency expanding in Australia, Northern Europe, and Central Europe. With expertise in Adobe, Salesforce, commercetools, and Shopify. She drives strategic Expansion and Innovation in Digital Transformation. Passionate about AI and Market Trends, Devanshi brings a wealth of knowledge from various industries, including fashion, manufacturing, retail, finance, wholesale, B2B, D2C, and B2C. An extrovert who loves Traveling and building meaningful relationships, she combines professional acumen with a vibrant personality to foster strong business relationships.

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